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Balance work satisfaction and company culture with flexible workplace solutions.

Why is it important?

Creating a secure and appealing workplace has always been a top priority for HR, as it not only attracts potential employees but also fosters an environment where existing employees can flourish. A thriving employee is a productive asset, contributes to a positive work culture, and acts as a brand ambassador for their organization.
The modern workforce has seen a significant shift in their expectations for the workplace, with a growing desire for a more flexible environment that enables a healthy work-life balance. However, while catering to the evolving needs of employees, it is crucial for HR managers to preserve and enhance the company's culture and identity.

New ways of working

FLX provides a comprehensive solution for HR managers to boost the morale and productivity of their workforce. By incorporating a flexible and supportive work environment, FLX helps organizations retain their talent, reduce turnover rates, and maintain a strong workplace culture. With FLX, HR managers can implement policies that cater to the needs of both employees and management, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. 
  • By allowing employees to work in a way that aligns with their individual needs and preferences, hybrid working has the potential to significantly enhance productivity.
  • Providing employees with the flexibility to work according to their own needs and preferences can lead to a significant decrease in stress levels, sick leaves, and burn-out rates.
  • Hybrid working can boost job satisfaction and happiness, reducing turnover.

Cost-effective solution

Looking to cut down on operational expenses while still achieving your sustainability targets? Our solution is tailor-made to boost workplace productivity while minimizing energy and resource consumption - making sustainability a key part of your everyday operations with better financial outcomes.
Cloud-based SaaS and GPDR | Hybrid work place solution | FLX

Get started with your hybrid workplace

We need to understand your organization and office layout to make the right recommendation. The mapping is without cost and risk should you choose not to proceed with the proposed solution.

Using our knowledge from past implementations, we will propose the solution we believe is best suited for your specific needs. The solution design includes a tech spec, communication strategy, need for change management, and pricing models.


The technical implementation of software and hardware is the easy part, often done in less than a week. The hard part is the organizational implementation. We will guide all stakeholders through a proven process and assist with the necessary change management.

After you go live, we continue to monitor the organizational adoption. Based on the data, we provide insights and support. We follow up closely and propose fact-based adjustments to improve the overall employee satisfaction to harvest the synergies of having a hybrid work technology.

Who can also benefit from FLX?

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Let's digitize your workplace

Tailored to your needs, you gain a cost-effective and optimized office environment.